Many people seem to think the only measurement for trade shows is a count of how many visitors’ badges were swiped at your booth.  Here are 10 other things you can measure:

1. What visitors think of your featured product or service.  Ask open-ended questions and record their answers.

2. If you know how many qualified leads it takes to get a personal sales call and how many calls it generally takes to close a sale, you can estimate sales from the qualified leads at a show.

3. You can measure media coverage at shows in terms of an ad equivalency.  In other words, what would the same coverage cost had you bought an ad the same size from another source?

4. Most frequently asked questions are often an indication of what your graphics don’t tell people or what people don’t understand about your products or potential perception issues about your company.  Why not record these questions and measure the results!

5. Exhibitions are a great venue for testing brand awareness.

6. What were your competitors doing at the show?  How was their booth traffic?  What products were featured?  Was their CEO there?

7. Cost per lead, cost per reach, cost per person, cost per impression – all serve as budget benchmarks and tracking tools.

8. Leads give you names of companies not currently being prospected, geographic concentration of specific enquiries and they let you know whether or not you reached your target audience.

9. What are the current hot topics in your industry?  Are exhibitors and show visitors on the same page?

10. If you hold a private event (even a small customer dinner).  Ask customers one question: Are we meeting your expectations and if not, what should we do differently?

Learn more exhibition and event marketing tips, attend Skyline’s Eye Power seminar

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